Pray Without Ceasing!

by Natalie Bee, Florence, SC

Letter to the Editor

Pray without ceasing… words from the Bible giving us explicit instruction. Once again, we have another school shooting. It is the Covenant School (private Christian elementary school) located in Nashville, TN. Once again, my heart falls. Another failure. Another act of violence and hate. Another elementary school. Another baby didn’t make it back home to their parents. Our children are supposed to return home every day when we send them out. Sadly it is not happening. There is one school shooting every week in the USA. Marinate on that.

There is too much violence, hate, evil, and wickedness prevailing throughout the land. Being a child in the 1960’s, going to school was so much better. I never saw or heard of a school shooting. Yes, the times have changed and so has the elevation of the crime.

We are missing a thing called “love”. It is missing from our hearts, minds, souls, and spirits. Our nation is hemorrhaging as we allow this violence to invade our places of education, worship, workplaces, communities, and homes. This destruction is destroying our nation, our communities, and our families. It is killing us literally.

Since our “political leaders” choose not to raise a hand to end gun violence, we have to move forward. Today, my weapon of choice is prayer. It doesn’t cost me anything. I don’t have to leave home. I don’t have to keep begging the senators and congressmen to do something. Turn it over to the Lord. “Pray without ceasing (I Thessalonians 5:17).” Pray like never before to save you, your families, our neighbors and communities. You can be at home, in the car, on the train, in the grocery store, or at the PTA meeting. Pray. If you believe God, or a Christian, or a grandmother looking to see that sweet face and gentle heart again, pray.

Kiss your child before they go to bed. Hug them like never before. Pray for them and with them. This may be your last time. After all, who is minding the store? (read I Thessalonian 5:15-18).