The Time Has Come to Organize and Get Rid of Do-Nothing Politicians
Editor’s note:
The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of The Community Times Newspaper, it’s staff or advertisers.
This week we focus inward and call your attention to the SC Legislature. We believe you will observe a legislature trying to address the rising phenomenon of gun violence by proverbially, "putting make-up on a pig." What we mean by that is they are attempting to do or look at everything except legislation that will eliminate guns, especially the assault weapons involved in most mass shootings.
It all boils down to the taking of apparent stances regarding the wishes of most people and pandering to the stated goal of the National Rifle Association, which is to make weapons readily available in the Pee Dee by expanding production to the region. But that alone does not change their overall intention, which is to inundate our communities with guns. You see, it's not their position to worry about the safety of our children or the well-being of adults. Their goal is to manufacture and sell guns. But then, that goes into why you have a legislative body in the first place. They are supposed to come together to address the things that promote living together in harmony. In reality, they meet to give the lobbyists somewhere to go and offer bribes to sell out the people who deserve their dedicated service.
With all that said, what do we do now that we know those legislators are not paying us any attention? Do we continue lamenting their misdeeds while they turn their backs on us to carry out their agenda? These agendas typically involve the gaining of great personal wealth for themselves. The time has come for us to organize and begin the difficult work of getting rid of the do-nothing politicians and replacing them with people who genuinely believe in serving the public. The people of America should be able to expect not to become a statistic in a mass shooting.
We must confess, at one point, we were gullible enough to think someday the reality of the devastation left behind by the mass shooters would bother the consciousness of enough politicians that they would opt to do something about the number of guns inundating our society. But, as we can see now, that was just a misguided imaginary conclusion. The prospect of gaining favor or financial support from the NRA has blinded them to the suffering of families enduring the horrors of what has almost become a daily occurrence. The shooting of fellow citizens has become an acceptable loss in the endeavor of allowing "boys to have their toys." But what amazes us is the role that, what seems to be the saner sex, is playing in this conundrum.
Because they have appeared to be the more empathetic, one would expect an outcry from women. Their ranks are escalating at an astronomical rate, but instead, they are being swept up in the mania covering the landscape to become a gun owner. At times like these, it is almost second nature for us to look outside ourselves to He, who is infinitely wise enough to solve unsolvable problems.
My recommendation for you this week is that you carefully consider the dilemma at hand. If that does not drive you to your knees, we don't know what will. So hopefully, you will join us in seeking God's guidance in developing a solution that will allow our fellow citizens to live. WAKE UP!
Sincerely Yours,
Let Them Live.
Elder James W. Williams
Chairperson, Advocacy Organization, Lifelineplus
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