My People Perish From Lack of Knowledge: Let Them Who Have Ears Hear

by Elder James W. Williams
Elder James W. Williams Elder James W. Williams

Amid all that is going on in the Black community, there is concern about where Black preachers stand when it comes to supporting the community when it involves issues that are impacting the people. We have heard everything, from them "not being interested in what is happening in the community" to "all they care about is getting the opportunity to preach on Sunday." So, we should look at how they respond to the communities' need for leadership during times of turmoil. Being one of the aforementioned former pastors gives me a little insight into this problem. By the very nature of the Pastoral position, it calls for the pastor to be intricately involved in every area of the parishioners' lives. There is an actual application to Paul's statement about not forsaking the gospel to wait tables. The essence of his statement is that pastors should never forsake their preparation for ministering the word to handle other issues required by ministry. It is one of those things that requires a carefully crafted balancing act. One that can be aided by preparing others in the church to carry out some of the responsibilities. There is a reason why God gave the church Deacons.

It all boils down to recognizing the gifts and abilities that surround you. Various gifts are put in the church by the Holy Spirit, who knows all things, to support the pastors with their need to be all things to all men so they might win. In serving the needs of the people, it will become necessary for them to utilize every gift that God has placed in the body. Gifts such as Administration and other helpers are particularly beneficial in keeping the pastor from becoming overwhelmed. All gifts should be utilized to fulfill the work of the ministry. It wouldn't be practical for the pastor to take on the complete duties of evangelism. The pastor doesn't need to try to be all things to all men, meaning delegation of authority is necessary and reasonable. We commend Pastor Norman Gamble for utilizing his fellow sufferers and other helpers to fulfill ministry needs. We shall take this opportunity to tell all those trying to be one-person servants to wake up and make full proof of their ministry. Remember how Moses' daddy-in-law warned him about trying to do all the work himself? (Exodus 18 14-26) We know you've noticed we used the term "daddy" instead of Father. That is because of Jesus's admonition to his disciples to call no man Father because we have one Father (Matt 23:9), God, who is in heaven. 

We have heard people say that most of the pastors are not from Florence, and we shall say that the gospel has no geographical boundaries. Though God did say, he would give us pastors after his own heart. So, we recommend you determine if your pastor comes off as having the heart of God or if he has the heart of man. Many evangelists and teachers serve as pastors, and it all relates to knowing and understanding your gift, as stated in Ephesians 4. Christ gave gifts to men to edify the body and the work of the ministry; the problem is that too many people don't take the gifts seriously. The spirit gives gifts, so there is no ambiguity in providing them. If there is any obscurity, it is in the receiving of the gifts. A common point that we heard is that the only thing many pastors are interested in is the receiving of tithes and offerings. We advise that if that is what you think of your pastor, you are probably in the wrong place. However, that could be your perception when what the pastor may have been trying to do is put particular emphasis on giving. Many pastors have mistakenly taught tithing as an obligation instead of something that comes out of a clean heart that desires to give back to God some of what He has blessed you to have or rather receive. Indeed, some have made God's house out of a house of merchandise and a den of thieves. Regardless, we encourage you to divest yourself from such a place if you genuinely feel like that is happening. You do not want to continue exposing yourself to that kind of manipulation. You may wonder why we encourage you to leave instead of staying and fighting against such corruption. It is because God has never ordained that type of activity to go on in his church, so if that is what is going on, then you have gotten yourself involved with wolves in sheep's clothing. 

As we look back in time, there are several reasons why we feel that pastors must be involved in the fight for equity and inclusion. However, we must consider that most of the activities surrounding civil and human rights took place at the church and are not part of the church, though that was the only place, or at least the most convenient place, for them to get together. While God is concerned with our general welfare, the church must not be seen as the only place for people to come together, have discussions, and plan to respond to the issues that greatly concern us. The true church is not made of brick and mortar or sticks and stones. The true church is spiritual and heavenly, with earthly ramifications. For certainty, God has ordained the assembling of men together on earth. While there is the divine, there is the worldly, which can be discussed at the house of prayer. We must always remember that there is a time and place for everything. Let us not think along the lines of not giving in the church as a consequence of the pastor not coming to everything we might think he is supposed to be. Pastors make full proof of your ministries and know that you must be concerned about the things that significantly affect your people. Remember that we are still in this world, even though we are not of this world. Make room for the gifts. We suppose that the gift of the apostle is at work in me because I have no other reason for writing this than to instruct you in the gospel. I write attempting to be obedient to the spirit auctioning me to write unto you, pastors. I speak these words by the grace of the Lord, Jesus Christ. I pray that this communication does not fall on deaf ears or harden hearts but that it will cause the gifts in you and your ministry to be stirred up. To GOD be the glory, and to GOD, be all the praise.

Sincerely Yours, 
Let Them Who Have Ears Hear What The Spirit Is Saying To The Church.
Elder, James W. Williams
President, Racial Justice Network, Lifelineplus