by Minister Regina Peterson

Got Haters?

Do you have haters? You know? People who are waiting for you to fail and who are glad when you have trouble. Their “smiling faces tell lies.” Well, King David had haters too. Read Psalm 41 to find out how he felt and what he did about it.

“By this I know that You favor and delight in me, Because my enemy does not shout in triumph over me” (Psa 41:11).

Although David had haters, he didn’t let that stop him from being faithful to God. He sinned and received the consequences of his sin. He repented and God forgave him. His enemies thought he should have died, but God had mercy on him. God saw his heart that he was repentant of his sin. Although people were gossiping behind his back, he kept moving forward.

If you have not received Christ as Savior, you are missing the reason why God can forgive us. Jesus Christ took the payment for our sins which separated us from God. Now we have been adopted into God’s family by the blood of Jesus (2 Cor 5:21).

As you read the Bible passages this week, prayerfully ask yourself these three questions:

1-What does it say? (Observation)

2-What does it mean? (Interpretation)

3-What does it mean for me? (Application)

Remember, God is still on your side even when you sin; he doesn’t hate you. Repent (turn away from sin to God) and He’ll be right there to bless you.