Lashonda Nesmith-Jackson Wins Florence City Council District One

November 14, 2022

Lashonda Nesmith-Jackson will now represent Florence City Council District One after beating out Republican Joey McMillan with 1,431 votes to 1,228.

Nesmith-Jackson won after five runs for Florence City Council. “My commitment to my community, my service, my partnerships, my experience, my talents, I bring to City Council with me. I will continue to serve the needs of our youth and elderly,” stated Nesmith-Jackson. LaShonda NeSmith-Jackson went on to say “Imagine our communities thriving with opportunities and resources.

Following her tenure as a public service official for Florence County Democratic Party, she said it drove her capacities in community organizing, business coaching, and political training, to emerge as a viable candidate for Florence City Council District One. After filling the vacancy of Mayor Teresa Myers Ervin (November, 2020), her future role as Councilperson for District One has broadened her access and reach for galvanizing the most neglected people, engaging communities, and providing families with solutions they desperately need.

And on November 8, 2022 Nesmith-Jackson made a major step to achieving her goals.

“During my term, I will foster a community of open minds, creative entrepreneurs, and innovative leaders. Working together to rebuild our communities gives us the opportunity for a competitive advantage that sustains future generations. A working infrastructure filled with opportunities, tools, and resources for developing productive skills, has the potential to empower Florence citizens to do more than survive, but thrive” said Nesmith-Jackson.